Publications in scientific journals
Chapter in books
Jagodnik V, Peranić J, Arbanas Ž. Mechanism of Landslide Initiation in Small-Scale Sandy Slope Triggered by an Artificial Rain. In: Arbanas Ž, Bobrowsky PT, Konagai K, Sassa K, Takara K, editors. Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk: Volume 6 Specific Topics in Landslide Science and Applications . Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2021. p. 177–84. Available from:
Graduate and undergraduate thesis
Špoljarić, M. (2021) Determination of the water retention curve and coefficient of permeability of sand. Master thesis. University of Rijeka. Faculty of Civil Engineering.
Turković, M. (2021) Cyclic Behaviour of Uniform Sand Under Drained and Undrained Conditions at Low Confining Stress. Master thesis. University of Rijeka. Faculty of Civil Engineering.
Fabijanić, T. (2021) Stability of Slopes in Scaled Landslide Model. Master thesis. University of Rijeka. Faculty of Civil Engineering.