Znanstveni radovi u časopisima
Peranić, J., Čeh, N., Arbanas, Ž., 2022. The Use of Soil Moisture and Pore-Water Pressure Sensors for the Interpretation of Landslide Behavior in Small-Scale Physical Models. Sensors 22, 7337. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22197337
Jagodnik, V., Arbanas, Ž., 2022. Cyclic Behaviour of Uniform Sand in Drained and Undrained Conditions at Low Confining Stress in Small-Scale Landslide Model. Sustainability 14, 12797. https://doi.org/10.3390/su141912797
Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima konferencija
Arbanas, Ž., Peranić, J., Jagodnik, V., Vivoda Prodan, M., Čeh, N., Pajalić, S., Plazonić, D., 2022. Impact of gravity retaining wall on the stability of a sandy slope in small-scale physical model. In Proceedings of the 5th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic – Balkan Region, edited by
Peranić, J., Vivoda Prodan, M., Bernat Gazibara, S., Krkač, M., Mihalić Arbanas, S., Arbanas, Ž., pp. 193 – 200. Rijeka, Croatia
Pajalić, S., Peranić, J., Jagodnik, V., Vivoda Prodan, M., Arbanas, Ž., 2022. A use of similarity laws in landslide physical modelling: preliminary considerations. In Proceedings of the 5th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic – Balkan Region, edited by
Peranić, J., Vivoda Prodan, M., Bernat Gazibara, S., Krkač, M., Mihalić Arbanas, S., Arbanas, Ž., pp. 213 – 218. Rijeka, Croatia
Čeh, N., Peranić, J., Jagodnik, V., Pajalić, S., Vivoda Prodan, M., Arbanas, Ž., 2022. Digital image correlation and the use of high-speed cameras for 3D displacement monitoring in 1g small-scale landslide models. In Proceedings of the 5th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic – Balkan Region, edited by
Peranić, J., Vivoda Prodan, M., Bernat Gazibara, S., Krkač, M., Mihalić Arbanas, S., Arbanas, Ž., pp. 181 – 186. Rijeka, Croatia
Vivoda Prodan, M., Peranić, J., Pajalić, S., Jagodnik, V., Čeh, N., Arbanas, Ž., 2022. Mechanism of rainfall induced landslides in small-scale models built of different materials. In Proceedings of the 5th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic – Balkan Region, edited by
Peranić, J., Vivoda Prodan, M., Bernat Gazibara, S., Krkač, M., Mihalić Arbanas, S., Arbanas, Ž., pp. 187 – 192. Rijeka, Croatia
Peranić, J., Jagodnik, V., Čeh, N., Vivoda Prodan, M., Pajalić, S., Arbanas, Ž., 2022. Small-scale physical landslide models under 1g infiltration conditions and the role of hydrological monitoring. In Proceedings of the 5th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic – Balkan Region, edited by
Peranić, J., Vivoda Prodan, M., Bernat Gazibara, S., Krkač, M., Mihalić Arbanas, S., Arbanas, Ž., pp. 171 – 180. Rijeka, Croatia
Diplomski i završni radovi
Galić, G. (2022) Analiza utjecaja potporne konstrukcije na stabilnost kosine u umanjenom modelu. Diplomski rad. Sveučilište u Rijeci. Građevinski fakultet.
Pušelja, A. (2022) Razvoj nestabilnosti kosine u umanjenom modelu izloženom oborinama. Diplomski rad. Sveučilište u Rijeci. Građevinski fakultet.
Drpić, N. (2022) Ponašanje umanjenog modela kosine uslijed dinamičkog opterećenja u 1g uvjetima. Diplomski rad. Sveučilište u Rijeci. Građevinski fakultet.